Friday, November 30, 2007

heading home (soon)

Two more hours of this meeting. . . Just two more hours.
If Joe is reading this, don't be fearful that I'll go all poetry on your ass for too long.
It's just the place that I'm in now.

heading home
para khubz

heading home
with gifts
for my girlchild:
hotel soap
an individual
box of cheerios,
my arms,
my voice,
my presence,
my self

heading home
para Scully

heading home
towards my
who held up
the sky &
held me
from so far
heading home
to hold her.

heading home
para me

heading home
back towards
i will rest
with my people
i will be close
& tired
& finally

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Yay for home!

Travel safe.