More discoveries
Khubz started her new daycare and all is good. . . or will be sometime soon. . . surely.
Of course any change leads to more discoveries for both Khubz and the mommies.
- It's easier to be left in a new place by the mommies if that new place has tons of kids, a giant mirror and tons of brand new toys
- Eating a fist full of sand will make you spit up
- There are lots of people in the world who are able to care for Khubz while the mommies are at work
- Being left at daycare is easier on day one than it is on day two. At last report (10 minutes ago) she was a bit fussy but was, overall, fine
- Daycare two blocks away from our front door does make for a better morning.
- I was shamelessly thrilled when I walked into daycare to pick Khubz up yesterday and (though she'd been happily hanging-out before she saw me) she burst into tears as soon as she saw me. I know, I know. This will soon turn into tears that she doesn't want to go home with me since daycare clearly meets all of her needs so much better.
- I have serious hang-ups about the food Khubz eats
- Those hang-ups about food are connected to my control issues, ethnic guilt and endless angst about identity politics
- If "old-fashioned family values" weren't saturated with homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, judeo-christian legalism, nationalism and a bizzaro love of capitalism, I would actually consider myself pretty OFFV. For example, I was just about to put a bullet lamenting the eroding influence that the family has in this culture.
- So that's what the diaper covers up! And is it ever fun!
The food... I know. But in the four months since we started there have only been two! days of chicken nuggets. And only one! day of hot dogs.
Maybe this part is easier for me because we're on a once a week mac and cheese rotation?!?
BTW, did you hear that Khubz had a nap snuggle buddy yesterday? Laid right down on the pillow next to her while she feel asleep. And keeps telling all of the teachers that Khubz is "MINE baby!"
I *did* hear about them falling asleep together but I hadn't heard the "MINE baby!" I love that girl child of yours.
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