Thursday, September 6, 2007

birthday poem, unfinished

sweet child,
we have had our first year together.
you have taught me so much about myself, mothering, tu mama and most especially about you.

who will this person be? we kept asking each other this time last year.

and what have we learned?

  • you are joyful, demanding, curious and persuasive
  • you are skilled at cajoling both of the mommies into doing your bidding
  • you are loved, wholly/holy loved and love in return
  • the world is more ready for you than i had ever guessed
  • you love being outside, going on walks, looking out the window, sitting in the grass and hanging out on the porch
  • you conjure dangerous objects (pop can tabs, coins, twist ties)
  • you are resilient even in the face of arbitrary bedtime, malicious vaccinations and unjust restraints along I-35

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