Monday, September 5, 2011


We have just finished getting the kids in bed.

Khubz had her birthday party today. Fairies. It was awesome.

A beautiful day in the park
hide handmade fairies in the woods
build and decorate your own fairy houses
line up in front of the pinata that khubz decorated herself
frolic on the playground in the sunshine
get your sparkle on with glitter on your eyes
gaze at the tia-lila-made clay fairy on the cupcake
excellent friends
marvelous family
explore the world of a woodland fairy

kind of day.

Total bliss.

I love my children.
I love my family and community and this day and moment forever and ever.

I love I love I love
this feeling of bliss
and love.

I love I love I love
watching a gaggle of cousins and friends race across the park green
the joyous study of possibility in the tall grasses
tromping across the bridge
the stand of mommies and mamas and tias and friends all watching
and watching out for all
these dazzling children

today was love
in glittering

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